Tuesday, June 26, 2007

No News Is News - AGAIN!

MSN and the Associated Press are reporting that "Rosie Says She Won't Replace Bob Barker".

How is this news?

Supposedly she was being considered as the new host of The Price is Right. But CBS wanted her to relocate to Los Angeles. She and her "partner" and four adopted children didn't want to move, and, as Rosie reports, she doesn't need the money.

How is this news?

First of all, what was CBS thinking? Rosie as the host of one of the most popular, longest running game shows on television? How many failures will Rosie be given before the powers that be realize America HATES her? Replacing the charming, personable, popular Bob Barker with a fat, loud-mouthed, irritating lesbian would be the biggest mistake the network could make. Thank goodness for them than they could not get Rosie to relocate. This has helped save them from their idiotic selves!

But again, how is this news? Rosie probably isn't going to fly on the next space shuttle mission. Is that news? I'll bet she isn't going to run for president. Is that the AP's next headline?

I'm continually amazed and discouraged by how low America's news media has sunk.

But more on that later...Paris is out of jail and I've got to get ready to watch the CNN interview!

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