Sunday, May 13, 2007

Marketers Are Idiots - Video Professor Edition

I'm sure you're familiar with John Scherer, more commonly known as The Video Professor. Like most people who insist upon appearing in all of his company's ads and commercials, he's probably got an ego the size of his bald spot.

He always says, with mock sincerity, "try my product" when he's pitching one of his computer training programs. He doesn't realize that this totally alienates his audience and demonstrates how completely disconnected he is with his clientele. But as a businessman and entrepreneur it makes lots of sense to sell a cold, featureless "product." It doesn't matter what it is or what it does. It's got his picture on it, so TRY IT!

But what really struck me recently is one of his late-night infomercials where he holds up a CD and promises you his "product" is the answer to all your computer illiteracy problems. Know what was on the face of the CD? Training for Windows ME! Yep, the operating system that was one of Microsoft's biggest disasters, which was released over seven years ago and is now thankfully obsolete. If anyone is still using Windows ME and feels a need to learn anything at all about using it, they deserve The Video Professor's brand of minimal, meaningless instruction.

While you're at it, you might want to check to see if The Prof can send you some CDs on MS-DOS, Lotus 123 and WordPerfect. I'll bet they're still in the catalog. May as well try them, right? After all, he asks so nicely.

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