Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Marketers Are Idiots - Radio Edition

I heard a radio commercial on the way to work today. I remember a lot about it, because it was so incredibly bad. No, not just bad...stupid! The company behind it, the people who wrote and produced it - they are all idiots with a capital "I"!

I think it was for some sort of building product, or perhaps a construction company. Their slogan was moronic: Nobody builds a perfect home. But we build a better one. That has got to be one of the lamest claims to fame (or USPs) I have ever heard! Kind of like the argument that better is better than best because if you're the best and someone is better they are actually better than you. (Yes, I had that discussion with an idiot marketer once.)

OK, lame slogan aside...the name of the company? Heck if I know. They never really said it. Instead they kept telling you to go to a website called "compare -------" followed by what I assume was their company's name. But what the announcer said was something like simtech or simptech or symtecks or simtex or maybe it was cymtek or cymtrek. Whatever the word was, it was made up and could be spelled dozens of different ways. I actually went online and googled it in as many different ways as I could. Nothing!

(Maybe they're a demolition company and they're advertising an explosive. If not, then why would a construction company call themselves something that sounds so much like....oh, never mind. Logic obviously does not apply in this situation!)

You think they're sitting around wondering why they aren't getting more traffic to their "compare sym, cym, sim or whatever-the-heck-it-is website? Probably thinking, "Damn, radio just doesn't work for us...." Well, yeah, if nobody can understand your name and you're asking them to type it into a computer, you idiots!

You'd think common sense - much less marketing savvy - would prevail at times like this. Nope. Marketers ARE idiots!

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