Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nancy Grace is Back - Anna Nicole Still Dead!

What is her obsession with Anna Nicole Smith - and why does CNN allow it?

I guess the shootings at Virginia Tech didn't hold her interest. Of course she's going to stay clear of any further comments on the Duke lacrosse team rape case since she did her best to convict these boys with no knowledge of or insights into the situation. The war in Iraq is probably way too complicated for her to understand, so it's back to Anna Nicole.

Tonight's "breaking news" - the baby is set to leave the Bahamas! Yep, breaking news all right! Gripping. Important. Worthy of this fine television investigative journalist's probing of peripheral experts who don't know anything at all about what's really going on. But idle speculation is what Nancy Grace is all about. And appealing to someone's (although I can't image who watches this tripe) prurient interests. Hey, wait a minute! Isn't that pornography?

I just wish someone at CNN was smart enough - or had enough integrity - to put an end to this absurdity - to put an end to Nancy Grace!

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