Friday, April 27, 2007

Marketers Are Idiots - Boniva Edition

I can't believe the makers of Boniva (GlaxoSmithKline and Roche Pharmaceuticals) are still running the television commercial in which their spokesperson, Sally Field, actually says, without flinching at the ludicrousness of it:

I was talking to my girlfriend the other day about osteoporosis and she has to set aside time one morning a week to take her pill..."

Yep, she has to find 10 seconds EVERY WEEK to take her pill! Not time for that! She takes once-a-month Boniva, thereby saving at least 30 seconds a month for other, much more important activities.

How stupid do they think the American public is? Obviously extremely! Because they have been running this commercial for quite some time, and apparently no one has caught on to just how inane this "special feature" of their product is. How do these people stand to look at themselves in the mirror each morning? How desperate must Ms. Field be to treat us like we're stupid sheep willing to do whatever a celebrity says? No, Sally, we no longer like you. We really, really, really don't like you!

What's more, the makers of Boniva are being sued by Proctor & Gamble, which is saying GSK's claims to Boniva's effectiveness are false! Maybe setting aside time to take a pill one day a week isn't so bad after all!

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