Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Keith Olberman Is Our BEST Watchdog

Keith Olberman has become the most profound voice of reason in America today. He absolutely refuses to allow anyone in the power elite to get away with the lies, misdirection and subterfuge in which they have become so proficient.

On February 26, 2007 he issued an 8.5-minute Special Comment regarding an absolutely outrageous comment made by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during an interview on FOX the previous Sunday. She compares Sadam Hussein to Adolf Hitler and makes up history to suit the purposes of her boss and his administration's warped agenda.

It's marvelously intelligent. Watch.

Thank goodness we have Mr. Olberman looking out for us and MSNBC has the courage to counter all of the insanity that is continuously broadcast by FOX.

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