Thursday, March 22, 2007

That Damn Apostrophe - Again!

There is a really nice war memorial in the park where I like to walk most every day. It consists of an attractive monument at the base of three flagpoles and several benches arranged in a circle. There are a number of bricks in the ground that carry the names of corporate sponsors, individual donors or soldiers who never came back from one of America's foreign wars.

The benches are done in a very expensive-looking material that resembles marble. Each one is beautifully engraved with the name of a major conflict (World War II, World War I, Vietnam, Korea, etc.) and a message to that war's prisoners and those missing in action that they will never be forgotten. It's done very professionally and obviously with great reverence.

Except all of the people who specified what to put on the benches, all of the people who read the message, the engravers and everyone who approved the final job are totally clueless about the difference between a possessive and a plural.

It's a total shame that something this beautiful is spoiled by well intentioned but ignorant and illiterate people.

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