Monday, September 29, 2008

Nancy Pfotenhauer - Another Daughter of the Devil

I'm pretty much to the point where I just ignore anyone from the McCain campaign when he or she appears on TV or is quoted in print. It's not only a bunch of poorly spun lies, but it's the same lies over and over again. (Yes, they are STILL contending that Obama was calling Palin a pig when he used that colloquial expression that John McCain has also been know to use on several occasions.)

But lately it seems more and more the primary conveyor of deceit is Nancy Pfotenhauer. I didn't know anything about this person, but I assumed she was in the same league as Dana Perino, Bush's chief liar.

Well, was I wrong! She is worse...much worse! She is really in a league of her own.

When I searched her name on Google, it was interesting to see that the first eight results involved articles or videos in which it is pointed out just how horrible a person McCain has fronting his campaign to the media. Not one positive reference to her or the work she is doing. After I read the article on Daily Kos, I realized just how much of a spawn of Satan we're really being exposed to here. At the risk of copyright violation, I'm going to lift much of what Daily Kos says about Nancy Mitchell Pfotenhauer.

Those eager to audition as high-profile Republican surrogates could profit from studying the resume of Nancy Pfotenhauer. Indeed, Pfotenhauer's career is a blueprint for advancement through the interconnected world of private equity, right-wing think tanks, and the Republican power elite.

Pfotenhauer began her transit through the sometimes shadowy world of these interlocking nodes of conservative power as a student at George Mason University, studying under Walter Williams. (Williams, by the way, is a favorite substitute host for Rush Limbaugh.) Williams acts as a kind of filter for conservative institutions, seeking out promising acolytes from among his students. At 24, Pftoenhauer leveraged her association with Williams and was appointed part of the transition team for then incoming President George H.W. Bush where she advised on appointments to both the Federal Trade Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission. Almost immediately, Pfotenhauer became a player in the world of policy-drafting, and moved easily in and out of government, lobbying, and conservative think tanks. Eventually she emerged as the "Washington Director"--read lobbyist--for Koch Industries. In 2001, she moved over to the conservative think tank Independent Women's Forum, and currently directs the conservative think tank Americans for Prosperity Foundation. (These two foundations/think tanks share office space and staff.)

The article then goes on to inform us just how twisted and evil Koch Industries is. I admit I had never heard of them, but their record of environmental abuse is horrifying. And their picture of how America should be run would firmly place us as a wealthy-run oligarchy instead of a democracy.

Pfotenhauer is still intimately tied to Koch Industries and I'm certain she will return there following McCain's defeat in November. She'll be patted on the back by all those in the inner circle of the Power Elite for how she conducted herself and will continue spinning the truth to deceive any and all who will listen.

How does someone become so devoid of values? How can someone exist on this planet without a conscience - and even revel in the fact that she is able to so artfully screw people over? There is some strange, warped psychology going on in America today. Nancy Pfotenhauer is the national poster child or our present insanity.


Anonymous said...

Just saw Chris Matthews burn Pfotenhauer to the ground--she was doing her darnest to make a case for Palin's bizarre and wholly inaccurate definition of the VP's Constitutional duties. Chris made Pfotenhauer look at the footage TWICE and tore her to shreds.

Your take on Pfotenhauer is right on the money. She's a cold, conniving, forked-tongue, vomit-spewing demon.There's a glaze in her eyes that speaks of being disconnected from the real world of the human condition.

Where do the Repubs come up with these robotic & vacuous ice queens? Is there a classified ad on Craig's List or something? They'll all slither back to their lairs once the election is over.

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