Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Atlanta Christians Prove There Is No God

Atlanta is have some serious drought problems. They're not alone, but they seem to be getting a lot of the press about it. I came across this article on the MSN website, which at first made me laugh, and then caused me to ponder just what the heck is going on in this country.

It seems Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue organized a group prayer on the steps of the state capitol building to ask God for some rain. There were some protests about state-sanctioned prayer, but what struck me more was the ludicrousness of this whole thing. How is this any different than say, hiring an American Indian to perform a rain dance? Or a witch to cast a spell on the clouds to make them give up their precious water? Most of the people who gathered to pray together would surely scoff at either of these other two methods, but they don't see their actions as being so steeped in superstition and ignorance.

But the most interesting aspect of this whole ridiculous waste of time and taxpayer money is that IT DIDN'T WORK. No rain...not a drop. Atlanta is still as bone dry as it was before everyone joined hands, bowed then heads and attempted telepathic communication.

So I guess Atlanta managed to prove there is no God. Nice job, zealots. Probably not what you intended, but at least some good came out of your mass ignorance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, just for correctness and not to be an asshole, but it did rain the next. Not significantly and not for long, but it definately rained. But then again, all that proves is perdue can read the weather forcast for the next day...