Monday, August 20, 2007

LOL Cats

I don't know a whole lot about the LOLCat phenomenon, but true to its name, I frequently burst out laughing when I see some of the goofy photos and clever captions. I know it all started with a photo of a cute cat and a caption having something to do with a "cheezburger" It seems the best site to view LOLCat photos is

I decided to jump on the bandwagon. I've had a cat allowing me to live with it and feed it for most of my life. In fact as I write this I have a large orange tabby laying against my leg and purring loudly. He even permits me to scratch his head once in a while.

I submitted a couple of photos to icanhascheezeburger, but none of my work has showed up yet. Apparently they are a small operation that pretty much started out as a blog and has grown much faster than they ever could have imagined. Good for them! I tried using the "LOLCat Creator" tool that links to their site, but it was awfully slow and never seemed to work, so I just fired up Photoshop and did it all myself. So here are a couple of examples. If they don't make you laugh, at least I hope they make you smile.

Maybe I'll upload some more later. Right now the cat is demanding some attention, and patience is a virtue he does not possess!

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