Monday, July 2, 2007

Libby Shoud Be Executed

I am so outraged at the news today - but I am also not completely surprised. So President Bush has commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby? I guess the only real surprise is that he didn't do it on a Friday night or holiday so that hopefully not many people would notice. Of course he did it in writing so he wouldn't have to own up to his decision. It's hard to look into a camera beaming your image to the country when what's going through your head is, "Screw you, America!"

As far as I see if, Libby is a traitor. He identified an active covert agent of our Central Intelligence Agency and put her life in jeopardy. This is a direct violation of law and a blatant act of treason. The fact that he did it as the behest of our vice president, also makes Cheney a traitor. And now that Bush has basically pardoned Libby, he has condoned this illegal act of treason.

Libby should have received a sentence of death for his actions.

Bush and Cheney should immediately be removed from office and, at the very least, imprisoned for their crimes against America.

I only hope this has totally doomed the Republican party from any hope of sending anyone to the White House or Congress in the next election. Of course, with the way things are going, this administration might find a way to completely circumvent every law of the land, invoke martial law and refuse to turn over power to whomever is legally elected in 2008. Scary thought, but that's exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. And every day Bush and Cheney are allowed to continue to destroy America, the more we start looking like the Third Reich.

Please, somebody, get rid of them now!

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