Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pharmaceutical Ads Suck - Plavix Edition

I thoroughly HATE pharmaceutical advertising. The fact that is has become so common just makes me hate it even more. There is just something wrong with drug companies telling everyone to "ask your doctor" if their particular pill is right for you. Of course doctors then overly prescribe the medicine because the patient insists upon it, because the commercial convinced them they need it. That's the sad thing about pharmaceutical advertising - it works!

The latest one to really bug me is for Plavix. I don't even know what Plavix is supposed to treat. I think it's something related to the heart. It's usually impossible to tell from the commercials and all the blabbering the announcer does. In this one, a woman is playing golf - alone - and a hospital gurney is mysteriously following her. I think the point they are trying to make is that she's somehow in danger, but it also comes across as if she's got the power of a hospital with her everywhere she goes. At any rate, the point isn't made very clearly.

She ends up leaving the golf course and heading directly to her doctor's office. Well, it's not really her doctor. The disclaimer is careful to point out that it is a "doctor dramatization." They wouldn't want anyone to think the guy int he white coat with the stethoscope around his neck is "really" a doctor. Got to disclaim it for some legal reason, right?

Anyway, it ends with her smiling and the announcer listing all the incredible things that can go wrong, but nevertheless tells you to ask you doctor is Plavix is right for you.

It's amazingly stupid, but obviously the people at Bristol-Myers Squibb are extremely proud of - and clueless about - their spot. The feature it on their website, but unfortunately the video players isn't working. (Video coming soon. Please check back) Nevertheless, the commercial is on YouTube, probably placed there by their PR people for all the world to enjoy. This is how they describe the commercial on the website:

Heart Attack (caused by a clot) Video: Golf Course

A woman is walking across a golf course, engaged in a game. She’s unaware that she is being closely followed by an ambulance gurney. “If you’ve had a heart attack caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could be lurking....”

Yep, that's what it is all right. But....why? And how can you be unaware that you are being followed by an ambulance gurney while you are out playing golf alone?

Pretty bad.


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