Monday, January 29, 2007

Prayer for a Dead Horse?

Among the "important" news stories today is the fact that Barbaro, last year's winner of the Kentucky Derby who famously came up lame in the Preakness Stakes, was euthanized. Complications from the surgery to repair his broken leg made it impossible for the horse to stand, so the decision was made to end its life.

Sad, yes, I agree. But I am somewhat at a loss to understand the country's reaction to this animal's injury, recovery and death.

On the NBC Nightly News Brian Williams led the story with an explanation - almost an apology - as to why with all that is going on in the world today they chose to devote valuable news time to this story. He mentioned the outpouring of cards and letters sent to the horse (which, by the way could not read) and the tears shed by so many people throughout the country. Amazingly some $1 million has been donated to help fix pampered race horses in the future that might suffer a similar ailment. I can think of a lot better uses for this money, but no one yet has asked me for my opinion.

What made me shake my head in disgusted amazement as I was watching the story is when the wealthy owner of Barbaro, Gretchen Jackson, stood in front of a sea of microphones, obviously holding back the tears, and sadly asked for a prayer for Barbaro. Yes, a prayer for a dead horse! Please, God, accept this poor horse into heaven. He could run so fast and earned us so much money. We won't get any stud fees now that he's gone and he sure doesn't deserve to go to Hell.

Several brave American soldiers died in Iraq this week. NBC Nightly News now only gives us the number - not the names, no pictures, no tribute. Nobody is donating $1 million for their fatherless children, but at least we'll be able to pay for broken leg surgery on race horses in the future.

Disgusting. Rest in peace, Barbaro.

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