This just in: Anna Nicole Smith Still Dead!
I like to tune in to CNN Headline News in the morning. I like Robin Meade - and her "company." I get an update on what's going on in the world, the weather, some sports, a little financial news and a smattering of entertainment happenings.
Well, after devoting their entire lineup last night to the Anna Nicole Smith non-story, I guess CNN figured the American public still needed to know that nobody knows anything about this "celebrity's" death. They showed the now famous footage of a video zoom-in to something or someone being pulled out of the back of an ambulance and wheeled into a doorway that could be a hospital - maybe the morgue? It could be anyone anywhere, but we're told some guy with a camera climbed on a roof and got "exclusive" footage of Smith's dead, covered body being transported from somewhere to somewhere else. If you say so.
To make matters worse, Robin was interviewing some CNN legal affairs expert who admits he knows nothing, but continues to babble. What if Smith didn't leave a will? (Robin speculated that since she was only 39 and young people often don't do wills that she probably doesn't have one.) Who will have custody of her daughter? If her lawsuit is ever settled, who will get the money? What if she's not legally married? What if her residence was The Bahamas?
"Intriguing question, Robin...I don't know!"
I think CNN has completely over-estimated America's interest in Anna Nicole Smith.
Mercifully Robin moved on to other stories...more deaths in Iraq, continued snowfall in New York state, a new coach for the Dallas Cowboys. And then a commercial.

When the show resumed from the commercial break, Robin's first words were, "And now back to Anna Nicole Smith."
I screamed "NO!" and shut off the TV.
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