But it dawned on me today that the coroner has done nothing but give Nancy Grace a whole aresenal of hypotentical, unanswerable questions that she can thrust at "experts" from all over the country for literally hundreds and hundreds of shows to come.
"Accidental" Overdose? Tell me the truth, Doctor, aren't we looking at a potential homicide?
Shouldn't her doctors be held accountable for prescribing eight potentially deadly medications?
You don't know her state of mind. Couldn't this be suicide?
How many of these "legal" drugs have been passed along to the baby?
You see the possibilities. I'm sure Nancy Grace does too. How could this woman of such impressive credentials and obvious desire to make a positive difference in the world have stooped to such gossip mongering and yellow journalism? I'm sure it was much more stressful, but she should have stayed a prosecutor in order to do some good in this world. All she does now is feed the celebrity frenzy of America's anti-intellectual majority.
Good ratings, CNNHN! Keep making Anna Nicole Smith the top story for as long as you can!
And, oh yeah, she's sill dead!